On this page are lists of featured books and eBooks that may be beneficial to your studies, an eBook search bar, a list of our history physical book collection by call number, and useful videos for searching tips and tricks.
You can go to the book shelves and browse the Library collection using the following Call Numbers:
900 Theories of History
909 History of the World
910 Geography
919s & 990s Australia / New Zealand / Pacific History
920s Biographies
930s Ancient History
940s European History (940.3 World War I, 940.54 World War II, 941 England/Scotland/Ireland, 942 Medieval/Elizabethan/ Victorian/Edwardian, 943 Germany, 944 France, 945 Italy, 946 Spain & Portugal, 947 Russia)
950s Asia (951 China, 952 Japan. 954 India, 956 Middle East, 959 Southeast Asia)
970s America
980s Latin America