If a student has permission from their lecturer to engage with artificial intelligence models for a particular assessment task, then they ‘‘… should use AI models in ethical and responsible ways that are consistent with their institution’s learning, assessment and academic integrity policies and procedures, and the terms of use of the AI providers.’’1
Avondale University continues to encourage students to utilise a variety of resources, including textbooks, academic journals, and expert opinions, in order to develop their own ideas and perspectives. As with any information source, the use of ChatGPT for academic assignments should be in accordance with Avondale’s Academic Integrity Policy. Plagiarism, including the use of AI-generated content without a proper citation is taken seriously and can result in disciplinary action. We recognise that ChatGPT and other technologies can be useful tools for academic discussions and idea generation, but that these need to be used in connection with other sources and in accordance with Avondale University’s Academic Integrity
1 Australian Academic Integrity Network Generative AI Working Group. "AAIN generative artificial intelligence guidelines." Tertiary Education Quality and Standard Agency. March 2023. https://www.teqsa.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-04/aain-generative-ai-guidelines.pdf
2CASTL. Academic integrity and A.I. Cooranbon, NSW: Avondale University, 2023.
Turabian Referencing Template
Author: The name of the company that made the software- eg. ChatGPT or Bing AI Chat
Title: This is the prompt used to generate the answer
Date: The date the text was generated
Publisher: Name the company that made the tool
URL: Give the general URL for the tool. Some AI Tools provide a unique URL for the conversation; use this. If the software doesn't provide a unique URL, use the general URL for the AI Tool
The University of Chicago. "Browse Q&A: Citation, Documentation of Sources." The Chicago Manual of Style Online. June 6, 2023. https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/qanda/data/faq/topics/Documentation/faq0422.html
Bibliography | Footnote |
Not included in the Bibliography.
You must include the full prompt/s and generated text as an appendix to your assessment task |
If the prompt is included in the text In text- When prompted with "Does a minister's personal faith affect their congregation?" Bing AI Chat responded....1.
1Text generated by Bing AI Chat, March 7, 2023, Microsoft, https://Bing.com/chat. See Appendix 1.
If the prompt Has Not been included in the text, it is included in the footnote 1 ChatGPT, response to "Explain the Trinity in relation to God's character," May 14, 2023, OpenAI, https://chat.open.com/chat. See Appendix 4.
If you’ve edited the AI-generated text, you should say so in the text or at the end of the note (e.g., “edited for style and content”). |
Bibliography | Footnote |
Reference information is included under the figure as a Source Line, with no reference in the Bibliography
If you include a reference to the figure/ image in your text Fig. number. "Source prompt," image generated by Publisher, Date.
Fig. 4. "Pointillist painting of a mountain scene," image generated by Hotpot AI Art Generator, April 14, 2023. |
If you do not reference the figure/ image in your text "Source prompt," image generated by Publisher, Date.
"Pointillist painting of an ocean scene, " image generated by Hotpot AI Art Generator, April 14, 2023. |
The University of Chicago. "Browse Q&A: Citation, Documentation of Sources: How do You CIte Images Generated by DALL-E?" The Chicago Manual of Style Online. June 13, 2023. https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/qanda/data/faq/topics/Documentation/faq0423.html
Turabian, Kate L. A Manual for Writers. 9th ed. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 2018.
A secondary or indirect source refers to another author's content quoted by the author you are reading. For example, Bing AI Chat quotes a section of text from Jane Austin's writing.
Secondary source guidelines:
Bibliography | Footnote |
Book as primary source
Surname, First name Initial. Primary Source Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Quoted in text generated by Author, Date, Publisher, URL.
Beauvoir, Simone de. The Second Sex. New York: Vintage, 1974. Quoted in text generated by Bing AI Chat, May 11, 2023, Microsoft, https://bing.com/chat.
If the prompt is included in the text
In Text- When prompted with " ......" Bing AI Chat responded "...."1
Footnote 1 Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex (New York: Vintage, 1974 quoted in text generated by Bing AI Chat, May 11, 2023, Microsoft, https://Bing.com/chat. See Appendix 1. |
You must include the full prompt/s and generated text as an appendix to your assessment task |
If the prompt Has Not been included in the text, it is included in the footnote
1 Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex (New York: Vintage, 1974 quoted in text generated by Bing AI Chat, response to".........," May 11, 2023, Microsoft, https://Bing.com/chat. See Appendix 1. |
Journal as primary source | |
Surname, First name Initial. "Article Title." Journal Title (Date). Quoted in text generated by Author, Date, Publisher, URL.
Dayringer, Richard "The Genius of Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam" and the Blindness of Art History." Notes in the History of Art (Fall 2013 ). Quoted in text generated by ChatGPT, April 21, 2023, OpenAI, https://chat.openai.com/chat.
If the prompt is included in the text
In text- When prompted with".........." ChatGPT quoted Richard Dayringer "...1.
Footnote 1Richard Dayringer, "The Genius of Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam" and the Blindness of Art History," Notes in the History of Art (Fall 2013), quoted in text generated by ChatGPT, April 21, 2023, OpenAI, https:chat.openai.com/chat. See Appendix 1. |
You must include the full prompt/s and generated text as an appendix to your assessment task |
If the prompt Has Not been included in the text, it is included in the footnote 1 Ricard Dayringer, "The Genius of Micelangelo's "Creation of Adma" and the Blindness of Art History," Notes in the History of Art (Fall, 2013), quoted in ChatGPT, response to "......." April 21, 2023, OpenAI, https://chat.open.com/chat. See Appendix 4. |
Simon Fraser University, Library. "Citing Secondary Sources: Chicago/ Turabian (17th ed.) Citation Guide." June 13, 2023. https://www.lib.sfu.ca/help/cite-write/citation-style-guides/chicago/secondary-sources#:~:text=The%20style%20manual%20discourages%20writers%20from%20citing%20secondary,of%20the%20secondary%20work%2C%20the%20source%20you%20consulted.
The University of Chicago. "Browse Q&A: Citation, Documentation of Sources." The Chicago Manual of Style Online. June 6, 2023. https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/qanda/data/faq/topics/Documentation/faq0422.html
Avondale University Academic Integrity Policy
Academic Integrity Policy - Avondale Policies - Confluence (atlassian.net)
Artificial Intelligence: Advice for Students
What are the limitations of ChatGPT?
ChatGPT has several limitations, as listed below:
1Cochran, Thomas, & Tracii Ryan. "ChaptGPT and academic integrity: Options for adopting assessment in semester 1 2023." Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education. March 2023. https://melbourne-cshe.unimelb.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/4533218/ChatGPT-and-Academic-Integrity.pdf
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