SAH Chaplaincy Department: Spiritual Care Services
A stay in hospital can bring many challenges for whatever reason. We the Spiritual Care Services team at Sydney Adventist Hospital are dedicated to caring for you and those around you as you face these challenges. Our chaplains are professionally trained and are members of hospital staff. Trained Spiritual Care Volunteers are also part of our team.
Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries
The mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the purpose for Adventist chaplains are one - to restore broken humanity to wholeness for time and eternity.
The Seventh-day Adventist church established the ACM Department for three primary purposes: (1) To consolidate, coordinate, promote and support the various expressions of chaplaincy ministries; (2) To extend the ministry of the church in reaching the unreached for Christ; and (3) To continue the restorative ministry Christ commissioned of responding in relevant ways to the felt needs of people in their individual settings.
Chaplaincy Australia is a National Department of the Australian Christian Churches (ACC) committed to communicating the Christian faith in a hands-on, compassionate and meaningful way.
Chaplaincy Australia is a part of the National ACC Chaplaincy Network linking Chaplains together with common objectives, practice, training and support.
Our Chaplains are represented by a broad spectrum of nationalities, backgrounds, ages and localities from within the Australian Christian Churches. They are purposely trained men and women with a passionate commitment to serve their community with care.
NSW College of Clinical Pastoral Education
The College was formed in 1963 by representatives of the Christian Churches with the vision of providing quality pastoral education and supervision for those attending to the spiritual needs of all members of our modern community. Since then the College has expanded its membership to include representatives from across Christian Denominations and Other Faiths.
On this page you will find a number of links to organisations, groups or other bodies that have an interest in Pastoral and Spiritual Care or links that may offer useful information or insights.
Association for supervised pastoral education in Victoria Incorporated
Australian Counseling Association
Psychotherapy and Counseling Federation of Australia
Relationships Australia
Scripture Union QLD: School chaplaincy
Skills you need - Basic counseling skills
Sports Chaplaincy Australia
Avondale University acknowledges our Sovereign God as Creator and Provider of all things. We respectfully acknowledge the Awabakal and Darramuragal people as the traditional custodians of the lands on which we live, work, study and worship across our Lake Macquarie and Sydney campuses. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging, and extend that respect to all First Nations People.
Avondale University is a member of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist system of universities and colleges.
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