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Digital Literacy Student Guide: Microsoft Office 365

Helping students with digital literacy skills needed for university.

MultiFactor Authentication (MFA)

Avondale University requires students and staff to use multifactor authentication to log in to Avondale systems. This can be done using the Microsoft Authenticator App on your phone (Apple Store & Google Play).

Tips using Office Suite

Tip Name
Tip Info
How to
Get Organised!
Create folders in OneDrive for each of your course units/ modules.

Organise Files for Work, Uni & Personal Use

Best Way to Organise Your Computer Files

Back up your work 
Turn on OneDrive to sync files to the cloud for automatic save features and backups. 

Sync files with OneDrive (Windows)

Sync files with OneDrive (Mac)

Gather as you go 
Use OneNote to gather web links, ideas & images for your assignments.  Introducing OneNote
Share a document with group members in OneDrive. Everyone can work on the same document without having lots of versions! Collaborate in SharePoint
Check Uni emails 
Check your student email account for news and announcements. Set up forwarding to your personal email if you forget to check often.  Avondale Email Portal

Keyboard Shortcuts

Microsoft Office Courses

Quick Start Guides to Office 365 apps

Microsoft Word

Use different orientations in the same document

There may be times when you want certain pages or sections of your document to have a different orientation from the rest of it. Note that Word puts selected text on its own page, and the surrounding text on separate pages.

  1. Select the pages or paragraphs whose orientation you want to change.

  2. Click PAGE LAYOUT > Page Setup dialog box launcher.

  3. In the Page Setup box, under Orientation, click Portrait or Landscape.

  4. Click the Apply to box, and click Selected text.