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APA 7th Edition Referencing: PRINT


One author

Reference List In-text Citation EndNote Hints
Surname, Initial. (Year). Title. Publisher. (Stanton, 2015).  
Stanton, B. (2015). Humans of New York: Stories. St. Martin’s Press. 

Narrative Citation

According to Stanton (2015), Humans of New York ......

To add narrative citations

Add the in-text citation like normal.

According to Stanton (Stanton, 2015), humans of New York.....

Highlight the in-text citation and click Edit & Manage Citation(s)

In the popup box, choose Exclude Author under the Formatting menu and click OK

Your in-text citation should now match the narrative formatting and EndNote will have placed the resource in your Reference List.


Two authors

Reference List In-text Citation
Surname, Initial., & Surname, Initial. (Year). Title: Include a subtitle if there is one. Publisher. (Edelman & Remond, 2017).
Edelman, S., & Remond, L. (2017). Good thinking: A teenager’s guide to managing stress and emotion using CBT. HarperCollins

Narrative Citation

According to Edelman and Remond (2017) teenagers manage.....


Three-20 authors

Reference List In-text Citation
Surname1, Initial., Surname2, Initial., Surname3, Initial., Surname4, Initial., Surname5, Initial., Surname6, Initial., & Surname7, Initial. (Year). Title: Include a subtitle if there is one. Publisher.

(Smith et al., 2020).


Narrative Citation

According to Smith et al. (2020) developing ...

List all authors in reference list.


21+ authors

When there are 21 or more authors, include the first 19 authors’ names, insert an ellipsis and then add the final author’s name.

Reference List In-text Citation
Surname1, Initial., Surname2, Initial., Surname3, Initial., Surname4, Initial., Surname5, Initial., Surname6, Initial., Surname7, Initial., Surname8, Initial., Surname9., Initial., Surname10., Initial., Surname19, Initial., . . . Surname21, Initial. (Year). Title: Include a subtitle if there is one. Publisher. (Churchill et al., 2017)


Complex Author Names

For multiword surnames- Jan Dirk van Elsas

Reference List In-Text Citation EndNote Hints

Mallon, C. A., Dirk van Elsas, J. & Falcão Salles, J. (2015). Microbial invasions: The process, patterns, and mechanisms. Trends in Microbiology, 23(11), 719-729.

Use the author's preferred capitalisation

(Full last name, year)

If Jan Dirk van Elsas was the first author

(Dirk van Elsas, 2015)

Enter surname, first name

For authors with titles- Sidney C.  Smith Jr.

Reference List In-Text Citation EndNote Hints

Surname, Initials., Title. 

Note the full stop and comma after the last initial

Virani, S. S., Smith, S. C., Jr., Stone, N. J., & Grundy, S. M. (2020).

Secondary prevention for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: Comparing recent US and European guidelines on dyslipidemiaCirculation141(14), 1121-1123.

(Surname, Year)

If Sidney C. Smith Jr. was the first author

(Smith, 2020)

Enter into EndNote as:

Surname, Initials, Title



No author or editor

Reference List In-text Citation
Title: Include a subtitle if there is one. (Year). Publisher.
Mosby’s medical dictionary. (2009). Mosby/Elsevier.  (Mosby’s medical dictionary, 2009)

Note: As there is no author, the title appears in the author position.



Reference List In-text Citation
Version used. (Year). Publisher. URL if needed (Original work published Year) 
King James Bible. (2017). Remnant. (Original work published 1769)  (King James Bible, 1769/2017, 1 Cor. 13:1)


Book in a series

Reference List

In-text Citation
Surname, Initial. (Year). Title. Publisher. DOI if required 
Nicholas, P. (2004). Soil, irrigation and nutrition. South Australian Resource and Development Institute. (Nicholas, 2004)


Secondary sources

A secondary or indirect source refers to another author's content quoted by the author you are reading. For example, the textbook by Dawn Lyon (2018) you are reading quotes a section of text from one of John Rabbitt's books.


  • Cite secondary sources sparingly- use only if the original work is out of print, unavailable, or available in another language you can't read
  • As good scholarly practice, attempt to find the primary source, read it and cite it directly
Reference List In-text Citation

Provide the reference for the secondary source you are reading only


Identify the primary source and write "as cited in" the secondary source  you read
Lyon, D. (2018). What is rhythmanalysis Bloomsbury Publishing. (Rabitt,1982, as cited in Lyon, 2018)


Dissertations or Theses

Reference List In-Text Citation

Dissertation- Published- A dissertation or thesis is considered published when it is available from a database such as ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global or PDQT Open, an institutional repository, or an archive.


Surname, Initials. (Year). Title (Publication no.) [Doctoral dissertation, Name of institution awarding the degree]. Archive/Source name.

(Author, Year)

Hollander, M. M. (2017). Resistance to authority: Methodological innovations and new lessons from the Milgram experiment (Publication No. 10289373) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.


(Hollander, 2017)

Theses- Published

Surname, Initials. (Year). Title [Master's thesis, Name of institution awarding the degree]. Database/Archive/Source name. URL

Gill, M. R. (2008). An evaluation of the impact of reading adventure packs on a six, seven and eight year old child’s attitude towards literacy [Master's Thesis, Avondale College]. Adventist Heritage Centre.


(Gill, 2008)

Unpublished dissertation or thesis- Unpublished works generally must be retrieved from the awarding institution in print form. Thus, the university or college name is placed as the source.


Dever, N. (2022). Perspectives on key competencies of quality and food safety internal auditors: Adding value for continuous improvement [Unpublished master's thesis].  Avondale University. 

(Dever, 2022)

Corporate author


Reference List In-text Citation EndNote Hints
Corporate author name. (Year). Title. Publisher. URL  (Department of Education, 2017).

When adding a Corporate author's name to EndNote.

Place a comma after the name. Otherwise, EndNote will format it like a normal author.


Department of Education. (2017). New guidelines. Board of Studies. ewguidelines

Narrative Citation

According to the Department of Education (2017), the new guidelines  ......

Without Comma

With Comma

Corporate author- when author is the same as the publisher

Reference List In-text Citation EndNote Hints
Corporate author name. (Year). Title

First citation:

(American Psychological Association [APA], 2020)

Subsequent citations:

(APA, 2020)

To add a corporate author's acronym to in-text citations

Enter in-text citations into Word like normal.

Highlight the first in-text citation and click on Edit & Manage Citation(s).

In the bottom half of the popup box next to  Formatting: click on Exclude Year.

In the Suffix box, type the square brackets and acronym followed by a comma and the date. Click OK.

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: The official guide to APA style. (7th ed.).

Narrative Citation

According to the American Psychological Association (APA) (2020) .....

Highlight the subsequent in-text citation that needs abbreviating. Click on Edit and Manage Citation(s).

In the bottom half of the popup box next to Formatting: click on Exclude Author.

In the Prefix box, type the acronym followed by a comma and a space. Click OK.


Your in-text citations and reference list should look like this 


You will need to edit each citation that needs an acronym manually.

An edition other than the first.


Reference List In-text Citation
Surname, Initial. (Year). Title (Ordinal number ed.). Publisher.
Baum, F. (2016). The new public health (4th ed.). Oxford University Press. (Baum, 2016)



Note: An ordinal number is a number defining the position of something in a series, e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Remove the superscript if needed.

Book chapter

Only reference a chapter if it has Individual authors for each chapter in the book. Use Book examples if the individual chapters have no authors.

Reference List In-text Citation
Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of book chapter. In Initial. Surname (Ed.), Name of book (page range of chapter). Publisher. 
Lett, W. (1989). Creativity and giftedness. In P. Langford (Ed.), Educational psychology (pp. 64- 89). Longman Cheshire. (Lett, 1989)


Edited book

Reference List In-text Citation
Surname, Initial. (Ed.). (Year). Title. Publisher.
O’Higgins Norman, J. (Ed.). (2014). Education matters: Readings in pastoral care for school chaplains, guidance counsellors and teachers. Veritas. (O'Higgins Norman, 2014)


Single volume in a multi-volume work

Reference List In-text Citation
Surname, Initial. (Ed.). (Year). Title of volume: Vol. no. Title of series. Publisher. 
Ward, A.W., & Waller, A. R. (Eds.). (1932). The Cambridge history of English literature: Vol. 2. The end of the Middle Ages. University Press.  (Ward & Waller, 1932)

Print journal

Reference List In-text Citation
Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume(issue), pages. 
Watts, M., & Walstad, W. (2010). Economic education in an international context. Journal of Economic Education, 41(4), 410.  (Watts & Walstad, 2010)


Newspaper or magazine article

Reference List In-text Citation
Surname, Initial. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Magazine, volume(issue if given), pages. URL if needed 
Tolson, J. (2005, October 4). The battle that changed the world. U.S. News and World Report, 139, 56– 65. (Tolson, 2005)


Encyclopedia or dictionary with an author

Reference List In-text Citation
Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of article. In Initial. Surname (Ed.), Encyclopedia title (ed. If needed). Publisher. URL

Graham, G. (2019). Behaviourism. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.)., The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (Summer 2019 ed.). Stanford University. es/sum2019/

Blaser, L. (2021). Childhood diseases. In K. H. Nemeh & J. L. Longe (Eds.), The gale encyclopedia of science (6th ed., Vol. 2, pp. 916-921). Gale.


(Zalta, 2019)


(Blaser, 2021)

Encyclopedia or dictionary without an author

Reference List In-text Citation
Title of article. (Year). Initial. Surname (Ed.), Encyclopedia title (pp. numbers). Publisher.
German army. (1984). In J. Keegan (Ed.), The Rand McNally encyclopedia of World War II (pp. 99-102). Colporteur Press.  ("German army, 1984")



Reference List In-text Citation
Surname, Initial. (Year). Title [Pamphlet]. Publisher.
Gable, S. (2008). Nurturing children’s talents [Pamphlet]. University of Missouri.  (Gable, 2008)



Reference List In-text Citation
Surname, Initial. (Year). Title [Brochure]. URL 
California Board of Psychology. (2005). For your peace of mind [Brochure]. ormspubs/brochure.pdf (California Board of Psychology, 2005)


Map, graph, table or chart

Reference List In-text Citation
Surname, Initial. (Year). Title [Format]. Publisher.
Magocsi, P. R. (2003). Population movements, 1944-1948 [Map]. University of Washington Press.  

(Magocsi, 2003)


Work of art

Reference List In-text Citation
Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of artwork [Artwork medium]. Where the artwork is found, City or Suburb where the artwork is found, State or Country where artwork is found. URL if applicable.
Hopper, E. (1930). Early Sunday morning [Oil on canvas]. Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY.  (Hopper, 1930)

Unpublished dissertation

Reference List In-text Citation
Surname, Initial. (Year). Title [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University name.
Wilfley, D. E. (1989). Interpersonal analyses of bulimia: Normal weight and obesity [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Missouri. (Wilfley, 1989)


Unpublished manuscript

Reference List In-text Citation
Surname, Initial. (Year). Title. [Unpublished manuscript]. Department, University name.
Blackwell, E., & Conrod, P. J. (2003). A five-dimensional measure of drinking motives [Unpublished manuscript]. Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia. (Blackwell & Conrod, 2003)


Unpublished conference proceedings

Reference List In-text Citation
Surname, Initial. (Year, Month conference held). Title. Paper presented at the Conference Name, City or Suburb of Conference, State or Country of Conference. 
Gidley, V. (2000, October). Working together to make the dream a reality. Paper presented at the ATSIM Indigenous Health Conference, Wahroonga, Australia. (Gidley, 2000)


Conference session

Reference List In-text Citation
Surname, Initial. (Year, Month Day/s). Title [Conference session]. Conference name, City, State, Country. URL 
Fistek, A., Jester, E., & Sonnenberg, K. (2017, July 12-15). Everybody’s got a little music in them: Using music therapy to connect, engage, and motivate [Conference session]. Autism Society National Conference, Milwaukee, WI, United States. marchives/Session9517.html (Fistek et al., 2017)


Lecture notes and personal communication

Personal communication may be unpublished lecture notes, letters, memos, personal interviews, telephone conversations, e-mail or messages etc. They are only cited within the text and not included in the Reference List

For a lecture given by Dr Ross Cole: “Job’s trials …. “ (R. Cole, personal communication, March 14, 2012) 


Course reader

Your course reader is made up of different types of sources. Do not reference the reader as a whole. Cite them according to the source